Its hard to believe I have over 150k subscribers / followers. Many thanks! Answering a message sent to me “what drives you to take photos” I cant explain. Walker Evans, one of my heroes, described compositions would be screaming at him to take their photo. I won’t go that far – describing inanimate objects “screaming” telepathically, but there are things compelling me to photograph them. Psychologically I’m unsure what is going on. Do I see a composition and tell myself ( subconsciously) to photograph it? i.e. a moment of subconscious thought rising to conscious level? My images are generally oversaturated and of objects in the landscape – not people. I’m a sucker for the old velvia look having grown up looking at National Geographic magazine’s two page spreads of 35mm photography using Fuji’s legendary velvia film was standard. Maybe I look without knowing it for compositions and light that are more favorable to be shot with velvia.

These photos are from the town of Newville, Alabama (pop 558). There is just something about this old building and the police station. I wonder what was the last business in these two storefronts. Why are they so vividly colored? Research to do, questions to ask.